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Die Registrierung für die Anerkennung zum Trainer für Gewaltfreie Kommunikation beim Center für Nonviolent Communication ist wieder eröffnet!

Ab 15.9.2010 können sich Interessierte mit den entsprechenden Vorkenntnissen bei den AssessorInnen anmelden.

Aus dem Ankündigungstext der CNVC-Website:

… Our goal is to support the development of new CNVC Certified Trainers who are committed to support CNVC and our mission, to protect the integrity of the NVC process, and to use the competencies they have demonstrated to sustain themselves and their NVC communities…. Regional groups of assessors are designing new and varied assessment procedures, which will accommodate diverse cultures and the individual styles of the assessor groups. The two-fold goal is flexibility of the assessment process AND clear and consistent outcomes for demonstrated competencies of knowing NVC, teaching NVC, and most importantly, living NVC.
In celebration,
Rita Herzog, Certification Coordinator
Marisa Sleeter, Certification Program Support
Margo A. Pair, Administrative Director
Valentina Rosenberg, Administrative Team Representative
Marshall Rosenberg, Director of Educational Services